Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Very Scary Nurses

So - just had a fab weekend and it started in a very fab - though scary way. Friday night off I went with SW to see Macbeth at the Gielgud. Wasn't quite sure what I was expecting.....but it ain't what I got - though in a good/very scary way...

So...this production had the dude from star trek (a Labour party supporter no less - originally from Yorkshire...) in the title role and a chick with some fab frocks (and great bum...according to SW, though I hadn't noticed) as Lady Mac...either which way, both were stunning. Moreover the whole design/idea really worked for me. Set in an interwar dystopia (early 30's?)....in a sort of basement/morgue/kitchen....pre-conceptions were immediately knocked for six as the ubiquitous witches were cast as nurses in a field hospital....they closed the first scene by murdering an injured solider (nice). Throughout the whole production they spooked about the place...with a real menace. OOOHH soooo scary! Wot eva you do...don't get ill in Macbeth's Scotland...cos the nurses will getcha.

In other highlights...there were loads of real guns...and a sink that worked (i.e. it was plumbed in and everything...how cool??!). The first half closed with Banquo's ghost turning up for tea in a dramatic bloodfest kind of way....thank God we'd pre-ordered large gin and tonics for the break - is all I can say.

Ever since, I've been having bad dreams about WW1 nurses in Gas Masks... where are the cognitive behavioural therapists when you need one..??!


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